Today in Martinsville-Henry County history: Tuesday, Aug. 16 | Lifestyles |

2022-08-19 20:42:20 By : Mr. Jeff Xu

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Today is Tuesday, August 16, the 228th day of 2022. There are 137 days left in the year.

In the Henry Bulletin in 1922: We are going to sell the Mill Property owned and operated by A.H. Walker and G.C. Pratt, located at Ridgeway, Va. This Mill is on the N&W Railway, near the depot, and is 3 ½ stories high, in good repair, and has 3 double stands of rolls, 1 middling mill, one 6 section bolter, 1 bran duster, 1 reel, 1 separator, 1 double scourer, one 16-inch attriction mill, for feed; one 4-feet burr, for meal; 1 corn cleaner, one 50 H.P. Fairbanks-Morse engine, 1 Oakland 1-ton truck.

1947: Nine prizes will be awarded by the Martinsville Exchange Club and Hanel’s Hobby Shop at the city’s first model airplane contest, scheduled for Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock at Brown Field. Staff memebers of the City Recreation Department will assist in the events. For the grand prize, an Ohlsson 23 Gas Motor will be given the boy who wins the largest number of points in the air show.

1972: Otis Dyer has been reading about people using screen windows and doors for drying apples, and comes up with this proposal: He’ll trade some big screen windows and doors for all the fried apple pies he can eat. He explained that he installed 11 big aluminum screen windows and two doors at his house … his wife is asking him to dispose of them. At any rate, apple-driers and pie-makers may reach Mr. Dyer at …

1922, new substantial iron and steel fence; 1947,new furs for fall and winter; 1972,  talking with Miss Madeline Gibbs; 1997, Construction on the Piedmont Arts Association.

1922, “Cone unto Me and rest.”; 1947, Fire committee of City Council; 1972,  Leander Morris performs; 1997, new police academy recognized.

1922, Henry County delegation of girls and boys; 1947, English Village; 1972, Martinsville-Henry County Crusade; 1997, Scharlean Randolph, owner of Wrap.

1922, primitive ignition and carburetion devices are gone; 1947, Here comes the fire-proof bride!; 1972, chess set sales increased; 1997, world of firefighting has changed.

1922, ninety-eight degrees in Axton; 1947, waitress killed by suitor; 1972, Swedish model in Martinsville; 1997, American Fiber Industries.

1922, large distilling outfit captured; 1947, Mrs. George Akers Brown under treatment; 1972, Henry County will build regional jail; 1997, Axton tire pile is clear.

1997: Several employees and customers expressed admiration for the new Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) building on Starling Avenue, which opened its doors for the first time this morning. “It’s pretty impressive,” said Barbara Bird of Stuart. “The numbers and everything, it’s pretty neat how they have it set up.”

1997: Their hair has grayed, their jobs have changed, and their kids now have kids of their own. Francis and Martha Martin of Ridgeway and Victor and Eva Leinster of Birmingham, England, were reunited this summer after a 42-year separation. … The two couples met in 1954 during the Allied occupation of Japan.

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1922, Martinsville road stalled unless Danville insists upon it; 1947, $60,000 in new construction in two weeks; 1972, officials quiet on Patrick County jail; 1997, funding for study of Smith River pollution.

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